You will receive this message due to the following cases:
You have cleared your browser's cookies or used a different browser than the one which has been used for setting-up. (the browser does not save YouTube/Facebook token)
You have set some strict privacy policy in your browser. It means we are not able to save YouTube/Facebook's token to your browser cookies. You should check your privacy settings or try to set it up in a different browser? (Chrome/Firefox/Safari/new MS Edge with Chromium)
Valid Browser settings for Chrome users:
Valid browser settings for Firefox users:
If you prefer to use Safari on iOS, be aware that Cookies have to be enabled.
Please open Safari browser and select Preferences:
Then scroll down till you reach Safari settings. If you enter the Safari settings, you must scroll down until you reach Privacy and security. There is the option “Block all cookies". It's important to have this option turned off otherwise you will not be able to use our App.
In addition you will need to disable Prevent cross site tracking.