- Avonhurst Church Enters the Digital Age Using CamStreamer Apps
- Maker Faire Prague 2021
- The camera, graphics, and audio are fully handled by one person, allowing people to enjoy a concert by the Zemlinsky Quartet via a simple live stream
- Schools in Říčany are using streaming solutions for distance teaching
- Holy Spirit Catholic Church enhances tailor-made live stream solution
- Restrictions on gatherings no obstacle – the Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Prague streams services online
- Biggest Czech music TV channel streamed live via CamStreamer App
- Live stream from Prague International Design Festival 2019
- Cars on Naplavka open-air show streamed live via CamStreamer apps
- International folklore festival MYJAVA
- Charles University, Prague – network cameras bring lectures to students at home
- The art of creation streamed live during Festival des Bordes de Vire
- Making assistance a lifestyle
- Streaming and timelapse video from Future Port Prague – exhibition of modern technologies