Kaltura Mediaspace
1) After successful login to Kaltura Mediaspace select +create to Schedule a Webcast Event
2) Fill in your details and configure the setup as per your requirements and press Save
3) Then select Live Stream Details
The RTMP Primary URL and the Stream Name are the required parameters to insert into the CamStreamer stream settings
Camstreamer Stream Manager
4) On the Camstreamer Stream Manager select the appropriate Video Channel and then select the RTMP Ingest Server (Universal) option
5) Paste the Primary RTMP URL from the Kaltura Mediaspace into the Media sever URL option on the Camstreamer stream Manager
Click Advanced options and on the Stream identifier enter the appropriate number which was received from the Stream name from the Kaltura Mediaspace (in most cases it is 1)
Configure the rest of the settings as per your requirements and save and start the outgoing stream